Congratulations on your new buy to let property!

Staying up to date and managing the legal aspect of your property can seem a little bit daunting at first. LawEasier is specifically designed to make the law easier, accessible and straightforward.

We have a wide range of documents for Landlords which help protect them, their property, and their tenants all in simple and handy packs. As well as individual documents we have specific packs. Each pack comes with the ability to have a document reviewed by a member of our legal team, as well as access to a legal advice call. Each pack also comes with access to our legal guides. These handy guides cover many different aspects of law as well as guides on property.

Free to try

Each document that is not in a pack is free to try before you buy and there is a document in each pack that you can try so you can get a good feel for the system and see how it all works.  

Take a look for yourself at how easy it really is...

Our individual documents:

Our Landlord and Landlord Possession packs:

New Landlord Pack  

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Within this pack, you will find:

  • Buy-to-let checklist and profitability calculator
  • Residential and assured shorthold tenancy agreement
  • Letter requesting references for a prospective tenant
  • Notice to tenant(s) of deposit protection scheme
  • Privacy notice for landlords

With our New Landlord Pack, you have the ability for a one-time advice call as well as having one of your created documents reviewed by our legal team.

Landlord Possession Pack

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Within this pack, you will find:

  • Form N215 - Certificate of service
  • Form N325 - Request for warrant of possession of land
  • Letter requesting judgment in default (accelerated possession procedure)
  • Letter to bailiffs enclosing completed forms
  • Notice under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988
  • Schedule of costs for applications to court to recover costs
  • Covering letter for claim form N5 & N119
  • Covering letter for witness statement & rent arrears schedule
  • Form N119 - Particulars of claim (rent arrears only)
  • Form N5 - Claim for possession of property (rent arrears only)
  • Schedule of rent arrears for form N119
  • Possession claim reactivation notice
  • Possession claim notice: effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the tenant
  • Updated rent arrears schedule and witness statement for possession hearing

With our Landlord Possession Pack, you have the ability for a one-time advice call as well as having one of your created documents reviewed by our legal team.

Further help

LawEasier is brought to by an award-winning law firm, Mayo Wynne Baxter. If your situation is more complex you can contact us here.

Just click one of the links below to access the documents.

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"There is a lot to consider when starting up a business, so I was really pleased to find LawEasier to help me sort out all of the legal elements. Being able to pay for my legals monthly is a huge help to cash flow too"

Jo - Director, ME Time (Events)