Employment and consumer rights: the legislation passed after Election announcement

Here's a round-up of the legislation of interest to small businesses that was passed before parliament was dissolved....

Data protection: new ICO guidance on monitoring workers

If you monitor staff at work, new guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) could help you comply with data protection...

Collaboration is key: reasonable adjustments for mental health in the workplace

According to the Health & Safety Executive, almost a million workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2021/22....

The legal risks of using AI tools in your business

The recent popularity of ChatGPT has many businesses considering using generative AI tools to improve the way their business operates....

Age discrimination: employee refused promotion awarded £84k by tribunal

A recent Employment Tribunal decision in which a designer was awarded over £84,000 highlights both the serious consequences of age...

Supreme Court rules that 'part-year workers' are entitled to a full 5.6 weeks' paid holiday

A recent ruling highlights a new worker category – part-year workers, i.e. those on permanent contracts who only work varying hours...

Employee's long covid was a disability, says tribunal

An Employment Tribunal has ruled that an employee who was dismissed after a lengthy absence due to long covid symptoms was a disabled...

'Failure to prevent': the offences by those within your business that could leave it liable

After the Law Commission's recent paper on extending corporate criminal liability, it's a good time to remind yourself of the financial...

Tribunal rules calling a male employee 'bald' was harassment

An Employment Tribunal has agreed that an electrician experienced sex-related harassment when his baldness was insultingly referred...

Careless talk: what counts as a legally binding agreement?

Legally binding agreements can take many forms, some of which may surprise you: emails, messages and even conversations can all count....

Pregnancy discrimination: employee awarded £19k in tribunal claim win

An Employment Tribunal has once again shown employers the serious consequences of pregnancy discrimination by awarding an employee...

Discrimination claims: when the 3-month tribunal time limit doesn't apply

A recent tribunal decision has shown that the usual 3-month time limit for staff to bring discrimination claims against their employer...