Congratulations on buying your new home!

In the crazy but exciting times from completion to unpacking the last box, LawEasier is here to make the law a little easier and accessible for everyone! 

As a service of Mayo Wynne Baxter, LawEasier wants to give you discounted access to our online Will documents. All of our documents are created using clever software which asks you the questions a lawyer would ask, to give you a bespoke Will, written for your circumstances.

Creating a Will is a way to ensure your wishes are carried out should the worse happen. There are issues that can arise for couples who have not married or registered a civil partnership if there is no Will because they cannot inherit from each other without one. The death of one partner may therefore create serious financial problems for the remaining partner if they haven't made a Will.

If you have children, particularly children under 18 or children from another or previous relationship, you will need to make a Will so that arrangements for the children can be made if you die.

Free to try

Each document that is not in a pack is free to try before you buy and there is a document in each pack that you can try so you can get a good feel for the system and see how it all works.  

Take a look for yourself at how easy it really is...

Your 15% Discount

Don't forget to put your 'Mover15' code when purchasing your document to get 15% off! 

Our Wills are available in the following packs:

Married Will Pack

Register to try our Married Will Pack

This pack creates one Will for a married person which will allow you to make as many gifts of money or specific items as you like. You need to be aged 18 or above. You will be able to leave the remainder of your estate after making gifts (i.e. the residuary estate) to as many people as you like, either in equal shares or in varying percentages. You can also vary how you would like to leave your residuary estate, make provisions for the care of pets and appoint guardians for any children. You can apply your 15% discount at checkout, just use the discount code 'Mover15'.

Unmarried Will Pack

Register to try our Unmarried Will Pack

This pack creates one Will which should be used if you're single or in a relationship. You need to be aged 18 or above. It will allow you to make as many gifts of money or specific items you would like. You will be able to leave the remainder of your estate after making gifts to as many people as you like, either in equal shares or in varying percentages. You can also vary how you would like to leave the remainder of your estate, make provisions for the care of pets and appoint guardians for any children. You can apply your 15% discount at checkout, just use the discount code 'Mover15'.

Mirror Wills Pack

Register to try our Mirror Will Pack

This pack creates two Wills for either a married couple or for two people in a civil partnership with each other. Both of you need to be aged 18 or above. Mirror Wills are Wills made by two people in substantially the same terms. In these Wills, the married couple/civil partners provide for each other on the first death, and then say what is to happen on the event of the second death, which is the same in both Wills. You can apply your 15% discount at checkout, just use the discount code 'Mover15'.

Our packs contain your document as well as access to a one-time legal advice call for your Will as well as a document review for your Will with our legal experts. In addition to this, you’ll also be able to create a Digital assets log. This document is a list of all your digital assets, online accounts and digital devices.

Further help

LawEasier is brought to by an award-winning law firm, Mayo Wynne Baxter. If your situation is more complex or you'd like to discuss Trusts or Estate planning you can contact us here.

Just click one of the links below to access the documents.

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"There is a lot to consider when starting up a business, so I was really pleased to find LawEasier to help me sort out all of the legal elements. Being able to pay for my legals monthly is a huge help to cash flow too"

Jo - Director, ME Time (Events)